Free Ebook: Ogbonge Bloggers Guide


==> Where to get a free blog (
==> How to set up your blog
==> How to generate the address for your free blog
==> How to choose template for your blog
==> How to write, preview, save and publish a blog post
==> How to add labels (categories) to your blog posts
==> How to schedule blog posts
==> How to insert links inside blog posts
==> How to change font size, colour, style of blog posts
==> How to add image to your blog posts
==> How to configure basic settings for your blog
==> How to configure "posts and comments" settings of your blog
==> Understanding Blogger layout
==> List of Blogger gadgets you can add to your blog
==> How to add HTML codes to your blog using HTML/Javascript gadget
==> How to add "Recent comments", "Recent Posts" to your blog
==> How to customize Blogger template with Template Designer
==> How to adjust width, change background and change layout of your template
==> How to make HTML changes to your blog
==> How to find a specific code in your blog HTML
==> How to back up and restore your blog template
==> How to activate Blogger mobile template
==> How to create navigation tabs e.g "About Us", "Contact Us" tabs etc
==> How to link navigation tabs to labels(categories)
==> How to register for Google Adsense
==> How to log out of Blogger dashboard
==> Ways you can monetize a blog
==> How to get traffic for your blog
==> Resources and recommendations for bloggers

You can view and download the ebook online here via Google Docs.

Free EBOOK: 178 Hot Selling Fiverr Gigs

Fiverr is a marketplace where anyone can sign up and sell services for $5. The best bit is anyone can signup to Fiverr as a seller and starting selling their service. The services you can render on fiverr range from business promotion, social networking and advertisement to funny videos, graphic design and translations to mention just a few. These offered services are called “GIGS” on Fiverr. You can find almost anything you need. People from all over the world visit the site to offer their services and expertise.
Today I will be sharing with you an ebook that will educate you on the top set of gigs you can sell faster and easier on fiverr. The ebook is titled “FIVERR GIG IDEA HANDBOOK”. The ebook contains the top 178 hottest fiverr selling gigs.
I hope you enjoy reading this book. Kindly don’t forget to share.

Free Ebook: The Power Of WordPress

We would all agree that most websites/blogs this days are powered by wordpress. WordPress have over some years now proved to be a very good platform.
Some of the advantages of wordpress are
Professional Customization: [WordPress acts as the engine for your website.
The look and feel of the site can be 100%
customized so your brand can shine through on your site and provide a unique experience to your visitors.]
Ease Of Use: WordPress is a very easy to use platform.  Adding new pages, blog posts, images, etc. on a regular basis is a breeze and can be done quickly.  Because the technology is so simple, time spent on formatting is greatly reduced.
Full Control of your Website/Blog: No more waiting for your web designer to make simple updates to your site. With WordPress, you have control of nearly every aspect of your site and can easily make those simple updates yourself.
Multiple Users: As an administrator of a WordPress site, you can set-up multiple users for the website and assign access levels and capabilities to each user.
Advanced Functionality: you can extend the functionality of your wordpress sites by installing plugins [Want to add an event calendar, video gallery,
Twitter Feed, Facebook Fan Box, and more to your site? WordPress makes this possible with plugins, most of which are free or very
reasonably priced.]
Create Brand Awareness: you can market your goods online and make it known to people round the world.

We will also agree that whatever has an advantage also have a disadvantage.
One of the main disadvantage of wordpress is security.
Wordpress is very prone to hack.

Making Money With Your WordPress Powered Website/Blog.
Apart from monetizing a blog using affiliate programs (e.g konga affiliate) or Publisher programs (e.g google adsense), there are lots of ways you can earn with your wordpress website.
Few of which are listed below:
Building an online store (sell your products online):
You can build an online store on wordpress and sell your goods online.
Building a service rendering portal:
Building a service rendering portal on wordpress is also a way to earn from your wordpress sites. Examples of sush services may be Website design services, online ticket booking etc.
Local Real Estate Portals
Betting Website etc.
To backup the information I have shared in this post I will be sharing an ebook with you. The ebook is titled “WORDPRESS CASH MACHINES” This ebooks teaches most of the types of sites that can be powered on wordpress platform and few informations on how to build them.
This Ebook was written by Jason Keith an Internet marketer.

CLICK here to download the ebook (wordpress cash machines)

The first thing you should do is to learn how to use the power of WordPress. This simple content management system is your gateway to online profits. You don’t have to learn the programming or developing stuff. Just learn the basics of how to use it. Once you know WordPress, the opportunities are everywhere. Whether you decide to help businesses get a blog site wordpress is simply a good choice. That’s where the content of the above ebook came from. Over  50+ pages, you will learn lots of different ways you can use WordPress to make money. Some of the ideas might work for you depending on your area of specialization. Study and see if anyone catches your attention. If one idea does get the wheels turning, that’s probably your area! Each concept has resources and tools that will help you get started.
Designed by Kaesy Nwosu