Free Ebook: Ogbonge Bloggers Guide


==> Where to get a free blog (
==> How to set up your blog
==> How to generate the address for your free blog
==> How to choose template for your blog
==> How to write, preview, save and publish a blog post
==> How to add labels (categories) to your blog posts
==> How to schedule blog posts
==> How to insert links inside blog posts
==> How to change font size, colour, style of blog posts
==> How to add image to your blog posts
==> How to configure basic settings for your blog
==> How to configure "posts and comments" settings of your blog
==> Understanding Blogger layout
==> List of Blogger gadgets you can add to your blog
==> How to add HTML codes to your blog using HTML/Javascript gadget
==> How to add "Recent comments", "Recent Posts" to your blog
==> How to customize Blogger template with Template Designer
==> How to adjust width, change background and change layout of your template
==> How to make HTML changes to your blog
==> How to find a specific code in your blog HTML
==> How to back up and restore your blog template
==> How to activate Blogger mobile template
==> How to create navigation tabs e.g "About Us", "Contact Us" tabs etc
==> How to link navigation tabs to labels(categories)
==> How to register for Google Adsense
==> How to log out of Blogger dashboard
==> Ways you can monetize a blog
==> How to get traffic for your blog
==> Resources and recommendations for bloggers

You can view and download the ebook online here via Google Docs.

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