Nigerian Bloggers Directory

The Nigerian bloggers directory is a website setup with the sole aim of connecting bloggers across Nigeria. This directory serves as a medium to help bloggers in Nigeria in different ways. 

This bloggers directory started from a Facebook group "Bloggers Lab" founded by Jide Ogunsanya (editor-in-chief of and has grown into a full community to connect bloggers to bloggers and also bloggers to sponsors or advertisers.

On bloggers can seek consultation from top blogger on issues that affect their blog and also ways to improve their blog and make the best out of their blogs. This directory help bloggers learn from each other and promote better relationship between bloggers across Nigeria. You can search for a blogger using his name, niche or state.
Most bloggers strive hard to find sponsorship on their blog but joining this directory will helps advertiser to quickly locate you as a blogger.

It is not only open to bloggers only but if you will like to learn blogging then you can also join and follow up with bloggers.
Joining has lots of benefits and will help you grow to be a professional blogger.

How to join
To join simply visit on your web browser and click "get listed now".
Fill in your correct details and click register and you are ready to go.

I am already signed up for so you can reach me there, my username is kaesynwosu.


  1. I've long registered on the bloggers network too and my username is still the same web-nick.
    But i dont frequently use it because of my device


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