Dangers Of Using A Free Web Host

Using a free web host may seem very attractive and entising in the aspect of economy but taking a closer look at it, it is very dangerous and can cost your business a lot.

Most webmasters and netpreneurs this days don't think of the dangers of a free web host, the just look at the aspect of it being free and they don't have to pay annualy or upgrade hosting plan without knowing that there is more to a free host than it just being free.

Disadvantages of free web host:

Uptime Is Not Guaranteed:
When Using a free web host your site possess the tendency to go off at any point in time due to congested server, this Minute your site is on and within a jiffy it is off.
This mess could turn off your visitors and you discover you begin to lose visitors. An in this case you have no say because you are not paying for the service.

•No Support Service:
When you begin to face various technical problem like in the issue of uptime there is no one to contact. No customer service, No submission of support ticket etc. You just have to face your problem alone without knowing when the problem will be resolved or if it will ever be resolved.

•Irrelevant Adverts:
A fre web host is also a commercial site with which the owner wants to use to make his/her money so in this case they setup irrelevant ads on your site as a form of monetization for their gain. And this ads can crumble your brand or take away most of your customers. For Example: Imagine a free webhost placing ads of another bulk SMS site on Naira for SMS, this is definitely going to take away most of its customers and you don't have control over the ads that is being displayed and much pop up and adverts to contribute in turning off visitors/ customers.

•Business Presentation:
It will definitely look awful if you present a business site on a subdomain. Take for example (kaesynwosu.freewebhost.com). It doesn't speak well of your business. A free web host is never going to provide you a custom domain rather they will prefer you stay on their subdomain and at times if you try to park a custom domain to it you begin to see a custom error page. And you may also experience problem with SEO because when you try to submit your site to directories you may be rejected because you are on a subdomain.

•Feature Limits
A free web host has limits to the service it can offer you. For example a free webhost doesn't have softaculous for installing CMS. You just have an auto installer section where you have limited number of installs.

•Bandwith Limit
Free web host can Never offer you unlimited bandwith and diskspace. Some may claim to offer unlimed bandwith but that's a big NO they just say that to entise you and make you start using their service. So it may get to a point where you exceed the limit and your site may be put offline.

The only benefit of a free web host is just its being FREE so you see you cannot compare the advantage to the disadvantages. The disadvantages out number the advantage. So it is advisable for you to go for a paid hosting plan if you want to enlarge your blog or commercial website or you have the aim of one day turning your website to your future job.

Recommeded Paid Hosting Companies:
In conclusion I will recommend some paid hosting companies that are tested and trusted and offer best of services including proper support service.
#1. iPage
#2. Godaddy
#3. BlueHost
#4. NameCheap
#5. Domainking

So which would you prefer To pay and get all features or stay free and get limited features?


  1. I use DomainKing for all my domains but I don't know about hosting though and if I want to go into WP I won't go for free hosting. Thanks for your post, it's an eye opener.

  2. Nice article, Just like Akpene Jacob stated i use domainking too and i don't think i need a wordpress blog because blogger pays me more and i get to spend less. I blog at www.trendsgist.com

  3. Why would someone want to use a free web hosting package and feel relaxed and safe at the same time? I use DK too and i think DK rocks here.
    Great tips bro

  4. Free hosting have limits that you can't over come like, If you want to launch a good website free hosting is not an option

  5. Hi there bro,
    As for me, I can use a free hosting but that will be for experimentation and not serious mission.


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