Facebook CEO - Mark Zukerberg Pays Visit To Lagos, Nigeria

Mark Zuckerberg in Nigeria
We’ve just confirmed that Mark Zuckerberg is at the CoCreation Hub, Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria at this very moment. He arrived this afternoon from Rome and is currently meeting with a few key players in the Nigerian technology sphere. In CcHub, he engaged with students and was in apparent wonderment at children coding.

Mark was in Rome with his wife, Priscilla, until a few hours ago (according to his Facebook page). He held a Q&A session, visited the Pope and did a few “touristy” things.
Mark Zuckerberg
There’s been a lot of Facebook-related development in Nigeria so there’s a ton of reasons why Mark may be visiting. First, Free Basics launched in Nigeria and Mark showed his support for the Jobberman team. Then the Chan-Zuckerberg Initiative invested $24 million in Andela. Facebook’s developer workshop is happening tomorrow, and yesterday, we reported that Facebook is partnering with Cool Link to launch Express Wifi in Lagos some time this week.

There is going to be a Facebook Developer’s event tomorrow and I was expecting top devs from the Facebook team to show up, but apparently it is Zuckerberg himself that will be chairing the event tomorrow.

I reckon Mark is in Nigeria to kill all these birds – visit Jobberman, the Andela team he’s invested in, attend the developer workshop, launch Express Wifi AND have policy-centred conversations with the Nigerian government to further Facebook’s cause.


  1. Nice moves from mark. Hope Facebook will begin to favor Nigerian marketers after this visit.


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