Google Duo Finally Available For Download On Google Play Store

Google announced the launch of a video call app at the Google IO 2016 named Google Duo. This app is now available for download and I am already using it. Google Duo is another way Google answers to Apple's Facetime. This app makes face-to-face call with android smartphones and can also make video calls from android to iPhones too as this app is available to iPhone users.

Duo's unique feature is Knock Knock, which gives you a preview of who is calling by firing up the camera on the other end of the line. If you're initiating the call, you'll see a little notice that says your video is visible, which means the other person can see what you're doing right at that moment in real time. Android users can see Knock Knock regardless of whether Duo is opened or not (like on the lock screen). On the iPhone though, you'll only see it if you're in the app. Otherwise, you'll just get a little notification saying someone's calling you. Google's rationale for this is that Knock Knock already gets you smiling before the call starts. Of course, that's assuming you actually like/want to speak to the other person who is on the other line.

You can go and download this app now on play store for android users. Click here to download.

Setting Up Your Google Duo App

After downloading setting up your Google Duo is very easy.

=> Launch the app and click on I AGREE

=> You will be asked to input your mobile number and a verification code will be sent to you.

Wooohooo! After performing the above steps you are ready to use Google Duo. I hope you enjoy this app. Don't leave your feedback in the comment box if you are already using this app.

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