SpaceX Explosion Sets Back Facebook Internet Connectivity Plan

Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg recently announced Facebook's plan on bringing affordable internet connectivity to Africa which he properly explained at the Town hall Q&A session held in Lagos Nigeria.

But all his plans have suffered a serious setback on Thursday morning when a SpaceX rocket – owned by Elon Musk exploded during a routine pre-launch check. The Space rocket was containing Facebook/Spacecom’s AMOS-6 communications satellite.
This satellite was to provide at least 14 countries on the continent and the Middle East with affordable broadband service.

Zuckerberg took to his social media account to express his feelings towards this mishap. But the good news is Facebook has developed another alternative.
"Fortunately, we have developed other technologies like Aquila that will connect people as well," he wrote. "We remain committed to our mission of connecting everyone, and we will keep working until everyone has the opportunities this satellite would have provided."

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