Use of Power Banks - Yay or Nay?

Power bank
Living in Nigeria can be exciting and equally frustrating. Electricity, power or the way we call it “Light” can really be a huge problem. Naturally we crave for quick fix solutions, and in come the power bank. Most people can attest to the lifesaving effect (It does not let your phone die right?) the power bank has. I don’t mean to be a spoiler but permit me to burst your bubble.

The power bank has a lot of benefits but it kills your phone’s battery. Just think of the power bank as someone giving you something with the right hand and taking it with the left. Beyond that, is the issue of convenience, would it not be wiser for you to buy a phone with great features and strong battery like Infinix Note 3, than to be dragging a power bank along all day?

So here are the disadvantages of using a power bank
Discomfort: One of the major demerits of using portable charging devices is that they can be bulky. They have a thick case and the battery itself is bulky. Because of this, you might sometimes feel it is an additional baggage. No one likes to be dragged down by anything and phones got smaller for good reasons, why would you want to add to that?

Battery Can Get Exhausted: One basic thing is that the power bank is not going to charge itself. So even the power bank needs charging and in most times it gets exhausted faster than the phone. If you travel frequently and remain outdoors for long, you might not have the time to charge even the power bank, forget about the phone. If that’s the case, your power bank will not be able to charge the phone thereby rendering itself useless.

Frivolous Expenditure: We know times are hard, well, Nigeria is now officially in a recession. Buying a power bank may be seen as an unnecessary expenditure, especially for those who hardly travel but stay in one place. If you are stationed in an office, you can easily charge your phone.

Power bank that doesn`t have real output: Some power banks have output that doesn’t match with device (unreal output) usually under what it should be. This means charging your device may take longer. With an Infinix phone, you can get a phone with great battery and the unique flash charge feature, which makes your phone charge faster. There are power banks that are really heavy and bulky. Sure, they may give you all your battery needs, but if they are not conveniently shaped, they might be awkward to bring around.

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