Does fast charging affect your phone?

Fast charge
Fast charge is a feature that allows your device to charge twice as fast its normal charging time. The advantages of having a fast charger or fast charge feature on a mobile device has been explained here. Phone users have long complained about excessive heating up of their devices. There is nothing wrong with smartphones getting warm. Smartphones are electronics after all, so if you are a new smartphone owner and are concerned about your warm cell phone then your phone might be ok, but smartphones phones shouldn’t get HOT.

While many phone manufacturers are still in limbo about how to solve this problem of phone overheating or getting hot, Infinix seems to be getting it right at the moment. This is fully seen in their latest smartphone- the Infinix Note 3. The Note 3 comes with the technologically advanced Aerospace Cooling Technology which cools the phone and maintain a constant normal temperature. But before we go ahead, what exactly is aerospace cooling technology?

Aerospace Cooling Technology (ACT) is an innovative way to reduce heat by cooling down the steam rather than allowing it to vaporize and heat up your phone, this technology was first used in a satellites. Consumers constantly feel their smartphones and tablets become hot after continuous use and this new technology solves the problem.

There are numerous things to worry yourself about, the Infinix Note 3 saves you one last thing to worry about. Simply get the Infinix Note 3 with the Aerospace Cooling Technology and enjoy your phone without worrying about overheating. The Infinix Note 3 is sold online visit

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