Negative Effects Of Using Microsoft Word To Compose Blog Posts

Recently, i had problems with my blog. I noticed i had just one post appearing on my blog's homepage when i had set it to show 10 posts on my homepage. I went back to my blog layout settings and checked it but it was still set to 10 posts. I noticed this problem after publishing a post i had composed with microsoft word. Now the question is what could the problem be?

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Microsoft word generates some very mysterious and complex HTML "MsoNormal". This HTML affects the blogs pagination. This is why you notice some big blogs with lots of articles suffer from segmentation. This mysterious HTML could also cause the blog to load slowly both in blogspot and wordpress blogs.

So if you have have been copy-pasting from ms word to your blog i will advice you stop using it. Notepad is a preferable text editor which you can use to compose your blog posts and paste it to your blog. But still if you like using microsoft word you can use (CTRL+Shift+V) to paste content to your blog without the "MsoNormal" formatting.


  1. Great informative post for those who are using MSWord for their blog's post composing.
    If i may ask bro, is there no way they can turn off the 'Msonormal' of a thing?

    1. No there is no way to turn it off. The only solution is to paste your content with ctrl+shift+V after copying as this will paste without the Msonormal formatting.

  2. if you dont want to paste with ctrl+shift+V, just highight all the content (with ctrl+A) and click on remove formating at your blooger editor tool bar. Commenting from

  3. Notepad is the best, nice post bro.


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