Google Removed Over 1.75 Billion Websites From Search Results

Google has removed as many as 1.76 billion websites from Google search results as of the time this article was being composed. This can be confirmed on the Google transparency report counter.
In March 2016, Google recorded about 75 million takedown request in other to keep pirate websites out of its search results. There have also been a major increase in the takedown requests. The overall amount of copyright requests is estimated to have increased by 53% Year over Year.

Within the transparency report counter, you can also track the amount of takedown requests Google has received over time. Google has zero tolerance for such issues so they have decided to take the bull by the horn, by responding to the requests. Currently there is no pending requests available.

You can also apply for a takedown request but you have to note that such requests made to Google have to go through a 4-stage review process, which is as follows:

  • A copyright owner sends us a takedown notice for allegedly infringing material.
  • Google reviews the request, and complies if there aren’t issues with it.
  • Following DMCA process, a webmaster may issue a counter notification.
  • Upon receiving a counter notification, we decide whether or not to reinstate the material.

The company has also made it quite clear that it does not act as a mediator. If the copyright owner or the webmaster is still unhappy with the decision, they can file a lawsuit and leave the matter to be decided by the courts.

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