Join The Blogging and Social Media In Nigeria at 56 Conversation

Social media plays a very vital role in the development of a country. Over the years, use of social media in Nigeria has been really effective but we can still strive to make it better.
Blogging in Nigeria at 56
So as Nigeria turns 56 tomorrow, we are taking to twitter tomorrow (October 1, 2016) to interact with Nigerians on what they think about blogging and social media in Nigeria and how to improve it. If you are a Nigerian blogger, aspiring blogger or netpreneur, you can join the interactive session tagged #BloggingInNigeriaAt56.

Everyone is invited to contribute. All ideas and suggestions on how to improve blogging and use of social media in Nigeria are welcome.  Feel free to ask your questions as there are bloggers ready to attend to all your questions. All you just have to do is participate by adding the #BloggingInNigeriaAt56  hashtag to your tweets. Seize this opportunity to interact with fellow bloggers across Nigeria.

Date: October 1, 2016
Time: Throughout the day

An Initiative of Bloggers Helping Bloggers (BHB).


  1. Wooooow....... I see this as a

    great development . its in d right direction ...
    I would sure be a part of it, and as well share my knowledge

    1. Hello, it will be really nice to have you join the session. I hope we all learn more. Cheers.


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