Master The Fun Art Of Taking A Perfect Selfie

taking selfies
Taking a selfie could be fun especially when you are with friends, but are you really taking the perfect selfie? Taking the perfect selfie is more than just taking regular pictures, it is an art. What's more, knowing how many selfies to post and which selfies to use on what social media platform is a much higher form of art. In this post I will be explaining how to master the art of taking a perfect selfie with your smartphone camera.

Know your good/bad side
We all have bad sides. The advantage to being your own photographer is that you can decide not to show your less flattering qualities with a few tricks. To make your face look slimmer, shoot your selfie from slightly above.

Use Good Light
There's nothing worse than a photograph taken with poor light, but with phones like Infinix Hot 3 and Hot S that comes with soft flash you don’t need to worry much about quality of light, you can take that selfie both in day time and at night.

Use face beautification feature
If you're using your smart phone to snap those selfies, you can do them a lot of good by applying a filter. Again, Infinix phones comes with face beautification features that makes social media filters irrelevant to you. They can also give your photo that element of cool that you can't give it by deliberately attempting to look cool when that shutter fires. Because you know there's nothing quite as uncool as trying to look cool. Which brings me to my next point:

Don't be too serious
taking selfies
Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with taking life seriously. But you should never, ever take your selfie too seriously. Your selfie should never make it look like you're trying too hard. With most Infinix phones you can take a selfie by mere saying “cheese”, “capture” or mere smile. It should look like you snapped that photo casually, like you were just out and about and it suddenly occurred to you to turn the camera around and grab an impromptu photo of yourself, which of course turned out to be awesome.

Stage it
taking selfies
Choose your location wisely. Your kitchen, in front of a pile of last night's dishes? Not a good place for a selfie. Your selfie should be taken with the background in mind. So wait to take your latest Facebook profile pic when you are in a stunning location, say in front of the National Theatre in Lagos or in front of Zuma rock. This will not only make for a better portrait, it will also paint you as a person who is interesting, and who does things besides just take pictures of herself with her Infinix phone.

Do Something Interesting
taking selfies

For a truly interesting and post able selfie, do something interesting, something to make your image stand out from all those other millions of selfies out there.

Don't Overdo It
You should take a lot of selfies, because that's the best way to ensure you end up with a good one. But you should only post a very small percentage of the selfies you take. Keep your selfie posting to a minimum. Beyond that, selfie photography can be a lot of fun and there's no reason why you shouldn't indulge in it as much as you like. Just remember that old expression, "everything in moderation." Take lots of selfie with your Infinix phone, but post fewer finer ones online. It's really easy to overdo those selfies.

I hope this article helps you in the quest of taking a good selfie. Dont forget to drop your feedback using the comment section.


  1. Yay, taking selfies gone wild these days. I'm not mistaken if I tag is a trend.

    I'm not criticizing selfies, I love them too :)

    Exactly as written above, it's so much fun taking selfies with pals during hangouts, get2gether, parties, Start-up event and others.

    This is a Sponsored article by Infinix Mobile? Looks like one though.

    Again, thanks for sharing. I shared it. :)


    1. Hello, Emmanuel thanks for the contribution 👍


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