How To Fix Blogger Template Strike Error

Sometimes it is frustrating to see your blog having issues and when you have no solution to fix it, you may want to start changing templates as the last resolve. But then changing your template may not be ideal or the best solution.

Recently a friend's blog was having a problem, her blog posts were having strikes and it also affected the template footer.  Many may not have experienced this, but in future, if it occur, here is a fix for it.

Method 1
The reason for having strikes all over your posts and template footer may be one or few of your posts have <strike/> tag in its code. So you need to search for any post having the </strike> and remove it. To find the Strike Tag, make sure your Blogger Post Editor is on HTML Mode. If you cant find it, then try the following method 2 & 3.

Method 2
1. Go to Layout >> Add a Gadget >> Select HTML/JavaScript
2. Paste the code below below and save.
       strike {
       text-decoration: none!important;

Method 3
1. Go to your  blogger template editor and search for  ]]></b:skin> and paste the code below it.
       strike {
       text-decoration: none!important;


Any of these three methods should be able to fix it. Don't forget to leave us a feedback using the comments section.

This is a Guest Post by:
Name: Mazino Oyolo Kigho

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